Ron's Guns Training is a division of Ron's Guns LLC. located at 335 Frankfort Road Shelbyville, KY 40065 502-437-0994. The classes,training and range test are all held at 2932 Christianburg Road Bagdad, KY 40003. Our classes and range are at the same location, this saves the student from going to class one place and then driving 1/2 hour or more to shoot. Ron and Tom Harris are CCDW instructors. Ron Harris is Chief Instructor and Tom manages the store. Ron's Guns Training consist of CCDW classes, Basic Pistol Classes, personal defense, home defense, Refuse to be a victim and coming soon Active Shooter and close quarters self defense pistol training. Our goal is to provide each student with as much information as we possibly can in our time together and to make the student feel relaxed and comfortable taking classes and of course SAFETY is our first and most important goal!!
Meet your Instructor: Ron Harris
NRA Certified Pistol Instructor #80021456
NRA Lifetime Member USCCA Member |