Ron's Guns CCDW Class: Consists of approximately 5 hours which includes, classroom instruction, written test and range test. Certificate is issued after class and student can register online with Kentucky State Police after class and have CCDW permit within 15 days. Class is $55.00 per student, Pre-register online, sign up at store or call instructor direct 502-321-6662. Once registered we will give you information package that explains directions, more details on class, what to bring and what to expect. If you have a larger group such as Church security teams, Teacher groups, all women's class call for special pricing and private scheduling to suit your needs. If you have a small group that want's to take the class we can schedule a class that suits your time schedule, call for details.
Active Shooter Class This active shooter class is designed for Churches, Businesses, Stores, Malls, Educational facilities, offices and any place with group of people that could be a target for an active shooter incident. The presentation is approximately 2 hours long and consists of the following:
FBI statistic facts on Active Shooters.
Common traits of Active shooters.
Things to watch for.
How to prepare and plan for an active shooter incident.
Improving your situation awareness.
What to do when you hear the first shot.
What to say to 911.
What to do when first responders arrive.
What not to do when first responders arrive.
What to do in the aftermath.
Knowing what to do and along with planning and preparing can help you, your love ones, friends and customers survive an active shooter incident. We will come to your location with this presentation for $10.00 a person with a $150.00 minimum within reasonable distance. Larger groups of 30 or more can be discussed for discount. Groups of 25 or less can come to our location at discounted price, call for details. You can call 502-321-6662; or email: for more information.
USCCA Personal and Home Defense Class:
The Concealed Carry, Personal Protection and Home Defense Class is a comprehensive guide for anyone contemplating owning or carrying a firearm for self-defense. Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals class details how to understand conflict avoidance and situational awareness, the basics of handguns, shotguns and AR-15, basics shooting fundamentals, the physiology of violent confrontations, and the legal characteristics of using deadly force (including knowing what to do in the aftermath); and a complete guide on gear, gadgets and ongoing training. This is approximately 3 hour class which includes copy of Concealed Carry and Home Defense book (245 pages a $30.00 value) and USCCA Certificate on completing class. This class does not qualify for CCDW license. This class is also limited seating, must register a head of time. This class is instructional only no firearms needed. Cost is $55.00 per student. Sign up online or at the store. See dates and times below for scheduled classes.
USCCA Basic Handguns The USCCA Basic Handgun Course is approximately 4 hours long, and is geared toward your own personal pistol, if you have one. If you do not own a pistol no problem... we include a session on what to look for when buying a pistol. If you own a pistol bring it to the class. You need NO ammunition as firing is not part of this class. It is not approved for a concealed carry permit. The course consists of discussions of the following areas: Self-defense firearms basics; Defensive shooting fundamentals; Gear and gadgets; Basic and advanced skills. The course also includes a copy of the 245 page book: Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals by Michael Martin.
NRA Basic Pistol Class:Short Description: The NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting is a two-part course consisting of an e-learning portion (completed online in your own timeframe) and a hands-on practical portion conducted at a range under the guidance and supervision of an NRA certified instructor. The course is intended for all adults regardless of previous shooting experience or NRA affiliation. Part one: The online "blended" training format provides the flexibility ro complete a significant portion of the course in an eLearning environment, prior to arriving for the classroom and range session with your NRA Instructor. You can find the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Blended course by going to and click on "find a course" icon. This opens the course listing pagewhere you will select "Basics of Pistol Shooting Blended". Scroll to the bottom of the page and refine your search to generate a list of available courses and Instructors. Find James R Harris or Ron Harris and register for the class. Once you have registered and paid I will be notified and I will send you a "course control code" and directions to complete the online self study portion prior to attending class. Cost of part one NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting-Blended is $60.00. Approximate time to complete 7 hours at your own pace.
Part Two: This is NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting (Instructor Led training). This part takes place in a classroom and range setting. This course is all day class 8 hours which includes classroom and range time. Once you complete part one you will go back to the web site link in above paragraph and register for this class. Part two NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Instructor Led is $100.00.
More details: Course topics include: gun safety rules, proper operation of revolvers and semi-automatic pistols, ammunition knowledge and selection, pistol selection and storage, shooting fundamentals, pistol inspection and maintenance, marksmanship, and shooting range safety. Additionally, students will complete live fire training and a nationally standardized shooting qualification while on the range with an NRA Certified Instructor. Students will receive the NRA guide: Basics of Pistol Shooting handbook, take a Basics of Pistol Shooting Student Examination and receive a course completion certificate bearing the signature of the NRA Secretary and your NRA Certified Instructor. Basic Pistol students must demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary for the safe and proficient use of a pistol and pass the qualification shooting at a "Level 1 red" minimum to earn a completition certificate.
Qualification for level 1: Red is 4 five shot groups within a 4" circle at 10 feet.
Qualification for Level 2: White is 4 five shot groups within a 4" circle at 15 feet.
Qualification for Level 3: Blue is 4 five shot groups within a 4" circle at 20 feet.