We are closed until further notice.
1. Ron's Guns CCDW Class is approved by the Kentucky State Police and taught by NRA certified Instructor. This is our most popular CCDW class, it's approximately 5 hours long and $55.00, The class and range test are both at the same location. Student is issued a certificate at end of class then can register online at KSP and have CCDW license in less than 15 days. Instead of watching the 2 hour video's in some classes, student reads the legal handout on their own time at their own pace. Student do not have to take their gun apart and put it back together in this class. This is our most popular class. WE usually have at least one class each month and some months 2 classes. If you have a large group, Church security teams, teacher groups, women's class, etc call us for special pricing and even scheduling to meet your needs.
2. KY DOCJ CCDW Class. This class is 8 hours, 6 hours of classroom and 1 to 2 hours on range. $75.00 and Student can expect to get CCDW license in 30 to 60 days.
3. USCCA CCDW Class also 8 hours and $75.00.
4. NRA CCDW class also 8 hours and $75.00
In addition to teaching the CCDW classes we also teach the following:
- USCCA Personal and Home Defense class.
- USCCA Basic Pistol class.
- NRA Basic Pistol.
- NRA Refuse to be a Victim Class.
- Active Shooter Class.
- Coming soon is a close quarters self defense pistol class.
Pre-registration for each class is required. You can register, at the store, call 502.321.6662, call 502.437.0994, online by clicking Here the class below or email ron@ronsgunsllc.com. Register before to insure a seat in the class.
Concealed Carry qualifications
Concealed Carry FAQ
Concealed Carry qualifications
Concealed Carry FAQ
Active Shooter Class
This active shooter class is designed for Churches, Businesses, Stores, Malls, Educational facilities, offices and any place with group of people that could be a target for an active shooter incident. The presentation is approximately 2 hours long and consists of the following:
Knowing what to do and along with planning and preparing can help you, your love ones, friends and customers survive an active shooter incident. We will come to your location with this presentation for $10.00 a person with a $150.00 minimum within reasonable distance. Larger groups of 30 or more can be discussed for discount. Groups of 25 or less can come to our location at discounted price, call for details. You can call 502-321-6662; or email: ron@ronsgunsllc.com for more information. Presentation is give by a NRA Certified Firearms Instructor, Dept. of Criminal Justice CCDW Instructor, USCCA Certified Firearms Instructor, USCCA Certified Personal and Home Defense Instructor, NRA Refuse to be a Victim Instructor and a Kentucky State Police CCDW instructor.
This active shooter class is designed for Churches, Businesses, Stores, Malls, Educational facilities, offices and any place with group of people that could be a target for an active shooter incident. The presentation is approximately 2 hours long and consists of the following:
- FBI statistic facts on Active Shooters.
- Common traits of Active shooters.
- Things to watch for.
- How to prepare and plan for an active shooter incident.
- Improving your situation awareness.
- What to do when you hear the first shot.
- What to say to 911.
- What to do when first responders arrive.
- What not to do when first responders arrive.
- What to do in the aftermath.
- Our opinion of security measures you can take
Knowing what to do and along with planning and preparing can help you, your love ones, friends and customers survive an active shooter incident. We will come to your location with this presentation for $10.00 a person with a $150.00 minimum within reasonable distance. Larger groups of 30 or more can be discussed for discount. Groups of 25 or less can come to our location at discounted price, call for details. You can call 502-321-6662; or email: ron@ronsgunsllc.com for more information. Presentation is give by a NRA Certified Firearms Instructor, Dept. of Criminal Justice CCDW Instructor, USCCA Certified Firearms Instructor, USCCA Certified Personal and Home Defense Instructor, NRA Refuse to be a Victim Instructor and a Kentucky State Police CCDW instructor.